

Saturday 25 February CAC for the beautiful Evelyn, Ex 1 and Nomination for best in show for our beautiful kittens Sugarblue Heaven and Sugarblue Kora Cassandra! Kora comes close to winning the best by just one vote of difference! Sunday 26 February another CAC for Evelyn, Ex 1 and Nomination for best in show for Heaven and Kora! We...

Saturday 25 January CAC for Dea, Coeur and Darwin and for our little Evelyn Ex 1 and Best in Variety! Sunday 26 January Ex 1 for Evelyn and CAC for Coeur, Dea and Darwin. We are very satisfied with our Birman sweet and their results! Furthermore, our kitten Sugarblue Emy Lee participated in the show, obtaining an Ex 1...

Saturday 13 April Nomination and CAC for our Amos Delle Ombre Silenti, first CAC also for our sweet Daisy! Sunday 14 April second CAC in Daisy. continue>

Best in Show Domenica 24 febbraio. Sul palco è presente anche la nostra Dolcenera, cucciola blue point nella categoria 7/10 mesi.